As part of qujOchÖ’s “el queso – a showkaes night” I started to work on a sort of cheese diary, memories of cheese, white and yellow and gold chalk and gel on black paper. During the exhibition event, I drew interpretations and details of the art works that were shown, or tried to picure them in total. In other drawings I remember events that enfolded around or had to do in any way with cheese.
Original title: “Käseerinnerungen”.

The drawing shows an interpretation of the artwork “Cheese Melting System” (Davide Bevilacqua)

Drawing of the artwork “Hawai” (Stefan Brandmayr, as seen in the back)

Drawing “Das Buch Käse” lying on a part of the artwork “KI = Käse Interpolation” (Davide Bevilacqua)

Detail of Alice Strete’s “1/cm2”
Photo-Credit: qujOchÖ
Event page and all the infos about the exhibition and participants: